berlitz_orange_logo.JPG Level 1 Chapter 3 - Complete the sentences.

Write in the right form of the verb. Click on the ? button to see if it is affirmative or negative. Press "Check" to see your answers. "Hint" button gives next letter .
To speak:
Juan Spanish and English but he Italian.
To live:
He in Spain, in England.
To work:
He for an English company. He for a Spanish company in Barcelona.
To write:
He letters but he writes e-mails.
To use:
He his cell phone speak to people in London. He his cell phone to speak to his family in Barcelona.

To speak:
Juan English at the office?
Yes .
Does he speak English in Barcelona?
No .

To speak:
Juan and Carmelita English at home, they Spanish.
They English with friends in London.
To Live:
They in a house. They in an apartment.

To speak:
Juan and Carmelita Spanish at home?
Yes they do.
they Spanish with friends in London?
No .