Level 2 Chapter 10 - Much, Many, Little, Few

Level 2 Chapter 10 - Much, Many, Little, Few

Type the missing words. Press "Check" to check your answers. "Hint" button gives a free letter.

Countable or uncountable?

MANY & FEW : for things you can count - people, seats, planes, etc.

Examples: There aren't MANY cars at night.
There are too MANY people and not enough chairs.

Very FEW businessmen check their luggage.
We have a FEW seats left.

MUCH & LITTLE : for things you can't count -
traffic ( you count cars and trucks - not traffic )
money ( you count dollars and cents - not money )
coffee ( you count cups of coffee - not coffee )
mail ( you count letters and packages - not mail )

Examples: There's too MUCH traffic in New York.
I don't have MUCH cash.
Tom drinks very LITTLE coffee.
I've got just a LITTLE work to do.


Yes, you can count money but we say:
I don't have MUCH money.
I have a LITTLE money if you need some.

Time - you count minutes, hours and years but:
I don't have MUCH time.
I would like to see you if you have a LITTLE time.
Traffic is heavy. There are just too cars.

Paul watches very TV.

Are there very good restaurants in Springfield?

I can't get across the street. There's too traffic.

How about another piece of candy? There are only a left.

It costs only a dollar. That's not money.

How does a good watch cost?

There are only a really good restaurants in town.

Have some more cake. There's only a left.

I can't see. There are too people in front of me.

George has very friends. He doesn't go out .

I have some money, but very .

How suitcases do you have?

Mr. Jones works too much. He has time with his family.

There aren't flights after 9 p.m.

The doctor says not to drink too coffee.

More wine? ... Maybe just a .

Big dogs eat too food. I want a small one.

John doesn't have time to watch TV.

Very people have enough money to buy a Rolls.

Jim reads a lot of magazines, but he reads very books.

There are some seats left, but not .