berlitz_orange_logo.JPG Level 3 Chapter 5 - Progressive forms

Write in the right progressive form of the verb . Press "Check" to see your answers. "Hint" button gives next letter.
John can't call you now. He on an important contract. (WORK)
We can talk more tomorrow between 8 and 10. George the football then. (WATCH)
I , officer, when the accident happened. (NOT DRIVE)
At this time tomorrow I in the Mediterranean. (SWIM)
I to work when I suddenly remembered it was Sunday! (GO)
Mary's an actress but she at the moment. (NOT WORK)
Peter poker until midnight tonight. (PLAY)
I a bath when the telephone rang. (HAVE)
Where do you think you at this time next year? (WORK)
If John to the party, don't invite Mary. They don't get on! (COME)
At ten o'clock this morning I still . My alarm clock didn't ring! (SLEEP)
you to the meeting tomorrow? (COME)
What you when bomb exploded last Friday? (GO)
Henry loves languages. He German now. (LEARN)
Don't call me after 10 o'clock. I . (SLEEP)
When we go to London next time we in the centre. It's too expensive. (NOT STAY)