I am learning __________ Photoshop.
I like __________.
When did you finish __________ the bedroom?
The letter came back because I forgot __________ a stamp on the envelope.
The policeman told me to stop __________ because I didn't have a license.
I took my car to the garage yesterday but they haven't started __________ on it yet.
The assistant admitted __________ the money from the office.
Mary and I both hope __________ you on your next visit to London.
Keep __________ and in the end you will succeed.
I have to leave now. I promised __________ home by 7 o'clock.
I don't know how anyone can enjoy __________ bridge: card games are so boring!
What would a policeman do if you refused __________ him your ID card?
It sun went down but we continued __________ until we couldn't see anything.
I like to sleep late in the morning but Mary prefers __________ up early.
Sorry. My father refused __________ me his car.
We don't allow __________ in front of the school.
On my way to work I stopped __________ a newspaper.