Level 4 Chapter 6 Grammar - For, Since, Ago

For, Since, Ago


AGO - used to indicate a point in time in the past. The verb is
in the past tense.

a) The company was founded more than 35 years AGO.
b) I got to the office half an hour AGO.
c) The cow was domesticated about 8000 years ago.

FOR - used to indicate a period of time. Verbs describe actions taking place during the period. Many tenses can be used.Emphasis is on the length of the period.

a) The company has been in business FOR more than 35 years.
b) I have been at work FOR half an hour.
c) The cow has been domesticate FOR about 8000 years.

SINCE - used to indicate a period of time. The verb is generally in a perfect tense. Emphasis is on when the action described by the verb began.

a) The company has been in business SINCE 1970.
b) I have been in the office SINCE nine o'clock.
c) The cow has been domesticated SINCE about 6000 B.C..