Level 6 chapter 1 - Such and So...

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select the correct answer from the choices given

Such and SO

Such big
Such a big
So big
So big a

SUCH alone is used with plurals and collective singulars
(furniture, luggage, software, information...)

There is often an explicit or implicit comparison:
I've never seen such big steaks.
I've never seen such big steaks as those served in Texas.
Such rare birds are difficult to observe.
Why do you have to take such heavy luggage?
We don't often get such cold weather in July.
Such is life!

SUCH A (or such an) is used for singulars:

Her lipstick was such a violent shade of red (that it looked like blood).
Such an event was sure to have repercussions.
I've never known such a cold day in July!
Why are you wearing such a big grin? What's funny?

SO is either for comparisons or used rhetorically (in implied comparisons).

The sun was so bright (that) I had to cover my eyes.
The book was so interesting (that) I couldn't put it down.
Wow. That beer was SO good!
Mary thinks she's so intelligent!

SO * A has an adjective or an adverb in the place of the asterisk:

So honest a man has rarely reached the heights of government!

This latter form is largely rhetorical and probably best avoided unless you are making a speech. Thus it has not been included in this exercise, except to point it out, when appropriate, as an acceptable alternative.

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  1. My bed was .......... hard that I couldn't get a wink of sleep.
    1.   so
    2.   such
    3.   such a